oh yes...and special times with family and friends!
My wish for YOU is that you experience more of the latter than the former. But unfortunately, we are all out there trying to wrap up our list and may experience some 'interesting' situations. There is a silver lining in that cloud. You and your employees can learn some very valuable lessons to take back to your business if you notice the GOOD, the BAD, and the UGLY of holiday shopping experiences!
Click on the link at the end of this article to download!
This exercise is not just for front line employees. Your managers should complete the exercise too and make a mental note of what management did wrong or right to lead to the positive or negative impression that you received of the business you are evaluating.
Let employees know that you will ask them to review their observations with co-workers and managers after the first of the year. I hope you will share your BEST stories with me. The first 5 to comment on the blog post with this subject will receive a book or audio CD of Common Sense Service to reward the staff members relaying the story.

holiday_customer_service_observations.pdf |